Dr. William and Mrs. Muriel Redmond Scholarship Application

  • Application Deadline: March 15, 11:59 p.m.

    The Dr. William and Mrs. Muriel Redmond Scholarship provides financial assistance for those pursuing educational opportunities toward a career in a health-related field (clinical or patient care) with a desire to serve the St. Joseph area. This scholarship program, established in 1995, serves as a tribute to the late Dr. William and Mrs. Muriel Redmond. William Storey Redmond graduated from Christian Brothers High School and Rush Medical School of the University of Chicago. Dr. Redmond received his medical degree in 1937, and his internship and residency occurred at the Kansas City General Hospital from 1937-38. Dr. Redmond's lifetime medical practice of 50+ years was conducted entirely in the St. Joseph area except for his time spent in service during World War II. Dr. Redmond was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army with the rank of Major. Muriel Guffey Redmond graduated from Benton High School and then St. Joseph's Hospital School of Nursing in 1938. She was an active volunteer in healthcare, beginning with the Candy Striper program in 1947. She also participated in the St. Joseph Hospital Guild and the Heartland Regional Medical Center Auxiliary. In 1988, the Auxiliary established the Muriel Redmond Scholarship in her honor.

    Mosaic Life Care Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity dedicated to championing education and empowering people to build healthy and thriving communities.

    Applicants must reside within the following Missouri counties: Andrew, Buchanan, Clinton and DeKalb.
    Applicants must also maintain at least a 3.0 GPA and meet acceptable academic standards of the institution of which enrolled.
    Recipients will receive half of the allocation in the fall, and the remaining half granted the following January upon proof of enrollment for the spring semester and a minimum of a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale.

    Applicants must be accepted and enrolled in 12 hours of study for a regular semester or equivalent to full-time status in an accredited health-related program. Students enrolled in a pre-health program are not eligible.

    Upload two current letters of recommendation. Each letter must include date of letter, the author’s name, relationship to applicant, professional title of employment and place of employment.
    John Smith, Intern Supervisor
    ABC Accounting
    1234 Elm St.
    City, State, Zip

    1. Personal Information

    2. Narrative Information

    3. Transcript

    4. Proof of acceptance and full-time enrollment in health care program

    5. Two reference letters

    Failure to complete and provide a complete application will be automatic disqualification.


    Please do not provide personally identifiable information.
  • CostDescription 

    Uploaded documents must be in pdf format. Any other format will automatically disqualify the application.
  • Max. file size: 500 MB.
    Must be in pdf format.
  • Max. file size: 500 MB.
    Must be in pdf format.
  • Max. file size: 500 MB.
    Must be in pdf format.
  • Max. file size: 500 MB.
    Must be in pdf format.