CollaborACTION Grant Cycle Now Open!

Heartland Foundation announces the opening of their 2019 CollaborACTION grant cycle. Proposals for these matching grant funds must be submitted by two or more organizations partnering to propose new solutions that address opportunities for promoting educational attainment and/or work skills development. Grantees are eligible to receive one-time funding for seed money, with an expected range of grant awards from $5,000 to no more than $50,000. Projects must exhibit creative thinking and may be focused on one community or serve several neighboring communities throughout the region.

For more than twenty-five years, Heartland Foundation has provided funding for innovative projects aimed at improving the health of our region’s population. These community projects repeatedly demonstrated that the overall health and quality of life benefit when the focus is on educational attainment, character development, and work skills development. These experiences led to the forming of a grassroots initiative called (e2) education emPowers®. This initiative supports collaborative solutions designed to champion new innovations that impact education levels, character development, and/or workforce development. CollaborACTION Grant Funds are awarded to projects furthering this goal.

Informational briefing sessions have been scheduled for those who are considering submitting a proposal for the grant funds. The dates and times of these required briefings can be obtained by contacting Dr. Sandra Pettit-­‐Weber at or 816-­‐271-­‐7571.

Serving as a catalyst, convener, innovator, and connector, Heartland Foundation is a public charity dedicated to championing education and empowering people to build healthy and thriving communities. Learn more about Heartland Foundation’s initiatives, programs, grants, and scholarships by calling call 816.271.7200 or visiting

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