Sharing the Love
Many people spend Valentine’s Day giving extra love to their significant other. For one local couple, sharing their love for each other and for the community is year-round.
Each week on Wednesday and Friday, Dave and Ann Carlile come to Mosaic Life Care at St. Joseph, Medical Center and spread joy and love to those around them.
Married 59 years, Dave and Ann have volunteered at the hospital for 11 years. You may see Dave or Ann volunteering in Guest Relations, Cardiac Rehab, Medical Library or delivering newspapers.
“Together, we are part of a caring community,” says Dave. “We are needed, can contribute and are appreciated.”
How did the Carliles get involved at Mosaic?
Dave and Ann retired on the same day in 2007 and, quickly after, realized their lives felt empty. Then, Dave suffered a heart attack and spent time in Cardiac Rehab at Mosaic. What started as a challenge became an opportunity to serve.
“Suddenly, we saw a way to fill that void [emptiness],” Ann says. “We became volunteers at the hospital that saved his life. As volunteers, we now have a purpose.”
Together, Dave and Ann have served more than 11,000 volunteer hours to Mosaic.
Do many couples volunteer at Mosaic?
Julie Case, volunteer coordinator at the medical center, said five couples volunteer at Mosaic. In 2020, the St. Joseph medical center had a total of 378 volunteers working more than 33,000 hours.
There are many benefits to volunteering. Spending time with the one you love is unmatched.
Thank you, Dave and Ann, for sharing your love with our caregivers and patients.
Follow Mosaic Life Care Foundation on social media (@FoundationMLC) for more volunteer couple highlights leading up to Valentine’s Day!